
Swarna Soysa
Her major project was to rehabilitate 19 widows and her children. Each club was given Rs. 15,000.00 to find self employment for the widow and education for the children. IWC Kandy Heritage was formed and received the Charter. As it was the 25th anniversary of the district, 75 members received 25 year service badges at the District Conference. 25 IW Members and husbands from District 330 Malaysia were hosted and 25 IW members from District 340, Pakistan met our members the same day. 30 members attended the Triennial Conference in Varnasi, India. She was elected the NR of Sri Lanka in 2012/13 and was elected IIW Board Director in 2016/17.

Indira Kandasamy
She donated funds to the clubs to carry out their own projects in favor of girl children. World IW Day was marked by a project at the Welikada prison for the female inmates. They were taught to make bags to be sold to shops and earn an income. Four Hospital trolleys were presented to the Prison Hospital.30 members attended the first South Asia Rally held in Cochin, India. Some members attended the 14th IIW Convention held in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. She was elected the National Representative of Sri Lanka in 2011/12 and was elected the IIW Board Director in 2014/15.

Priyanthie Perera
She embarked on a tree planting campaign in Kelaniya, Kosgoda and Kurunegala. The IW Tsunami house recipients were given dry rations and coconut seedlings to plant in their compounds and a sewing machine to a poor woman to be self employed. A wheel chair was given to a disabled woman. 25 spectacle frames were donated at an eye camp in Kurunegala. 3 water filters were donated to the Kurunegala Hospital. Essential equipment was donated to the Pediatric Unit ICU of the Cancer Hospital in Maharagama. She was elected the National Representative of Sri Lanka in 2010/11 and was elected the IIW Board Director in 2013/14.

Mangales Pathmanathan
She rebuilt the Community Centre in Batticoloa that was washed away by the Tsunami with the funds received from France. 19 boxes of valuable books on IT and English were distributed to 19 girl’s schools in keeping with the IIW – UNICEF project “Educate a girl child”. IWC Colombo Mid City was formed during this year and there was a 7% membership growth for the year. She was elected National Representative for Sri Lanka in 2009/10.

Vinitha Gunerathne
She embarked on a project to give sight to the poor and 125 sets of lenses for cataract patients were donated to Matale Base Hospital and Vijaya Kumaratunge Hospital, Seeduwa. The Kosgoda Community Centre for Tsunami victims was officially opened during this year. She was elected the National Representative of Sri Lanka in 2008/09 and was elected the IIW Board Director in 2011/12.

Kanthi Fernandopulle
Maligawatte Maternity Hospital was refurbished. 18 wheel chairs were given to the clubs to be handed over to the handicapped people. Spectacles were given to the clubs to be donated to needy people with prescriptions. Two Anesthetic machines were given to Jaffna and Kurunegala Teaching Hospitals. Houses were built in Kosgoda and Ambalangoda for the Tsunami victims. This project was continued by the Tsunami Committee and built a total of 36 houses, a community Centre and a school for IT and English. She was elected the National Representative for Sri Lanka in 2007/08.

Diana Rahaman
With the donation made to the Federation of the Visually Handicapped it was possible to transcribe books into Braille for undergraduates. A Perkins Brailler and Braille stationary for the visually handicapped students of Dharisanam School, Batticoloa donated. With the proceeds of the coffee morning, a surgical drill was given to the Department of Neurosurgery, National Hospital in Colombo. IWCs of Ethugalpura and Kurunegala were formed and received their Charter certificates. The official web site of District 322 was launched and the district got wide publicity with a full page advertisement. She was elected the NR for Sri Lanka in 2006/07.

Dr. Carmel Fernandopulle
The contribution to the building fund of the Rotary District Center in Battaramulla made IW District 322 a Life Member of the Center. A handsome donation was made to the Mammography Fund of the National Hospital in Colombo. The IW Clubs of Trincomalie and Kurunegala were formed during this year. She was elected the National Representative of Sri Lanka in 2005/06 and was elected the IIW Board Director in 2008/09.

Rohini Tudawe
The maternity ward of the Nagoda Hospital, Kalutara was refurbished and a baila night was held to raise funds for the project. She was appointed National Representative for Sri Lanka in 2004/05. During this year the devastating Tsunami struck Sri Lanka and she chaired the IW Tsunami committee and successfully built many houses, initiated self employment and provided basic amenities to start life again for the victims of Tsunami.

Mohini Gunesekara
Focused mainly on the disadvantaged woman. A seminar was held on abuse of women and drug abuse. “The Welcome House” a centre for women in crisis was refurbished. Members of the district visited the Welikada prison and the female inmates were donated basic necessities. 23 members attended the Triennial Conference in Chennai, India during her year. She was elected the National Representative for Sri Lanka in 2003/04.

Renuka Amalean
The IWC of Colombo South was formed during this year. She compiled and printed the IW cook book “A Gastronomical Journey Around the World”. The proceeds from the sale of the books were used to uplift the junior school of the visually impaired at Ratmalana. The National Hospital was given a donation of an Intravenous infusion pump, 6 blood pressure meters and 5 water mattresses to the Neurological Ward. The Millennium District Conference was attended by IIW President Lilian Pettigrew as the Chief Guest and several dignitaries from India. Renuka was elected the National Representative in 2002/03 and was elected the IIW Board Director in 2005/06.

Kusum Samarasinghe
She was the District Chairman during the 75th anniversary of IIW. She donated 75 sets of books, stationery and uniforms to 75 children to commemorate the event. A contribution was made towards the purchase of a MRI scanner for the National Hospital in Colombo. A scholarship fund was set up for a bright student of grade 5 up to A/Ls and this student obtained 3A grades at her A/L exam. Kusum was elected the National Representative of Sri Lanka in 2001/02.

Lalini Alwis
A handsome donation was made to “Children’s Heart Program” headed by a Rotarian Cardiologist Dr. Nihal Thenabadu. She obtained wide publicity for Inner Wheel Fellowship activities in the media. She was elected the National Representative of Sri Lanka in 2000/01.

Gladys Perera
She encouraged the clubs to foster children who lost their fathers in the civil war of the country. The female inmates of the Rheumatology and Habilitation Hospital in Ragama the only one in the country were assisted in many ways. IIW President Mrs. Beth Mc Neil who was the Chief Guest at her District Conference was interviewed on National TV to promote Inner Wheel. She was elected the National Representative for Sri Lanka in 1999/2000.

Thangam Fernandopulle
Her project for the year was to fence and equip fully the play ground for the differently able child patients of the Colombo North Hospital. She was elected National Representative of Sri Lanka in 1998/99.