The Inner Wheel Club of Katugastota sponsored the Trauma Management Workshop facilitated by Australian Trauma Management experts for doctors and medical professionals in Kandy.
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Joint tree planting project
Participated in the tree planting project done jointly by the Inner Wheel District 322 and Inner Wheel Clubs of the Philippines, Inc. Fruit trees were planted at Hemamali Girls School, Mapanawatura.
District project – Upliftment of education and empowerment for woman
Donated essential items and dry rations to a pregnant mother.
Donation of Walking Aids
The Inner Wheel Club of Katugastota collaborated with the Rotary Club of Katugastota to donate walking aids to elders at the Dewpura Elders Society in Hunnasgiriya.
Visit to the Girls home
Visit to the Pradeepha Girls home Matale.
Provided Dry Rations and Breakfast to Needy families
Charity Project – Under the Charity Project, dry rations and breakfast were provided to five needy families in the local community. This initiative aimed to offer immediate relief and nourishment to families struggling to meet basic needs, bringing smiles to their faces and a sense of hope.
Donation of used toys
Donation of the first batch of used toys to the Centre for Handicapped. These toys will be distributed among the children who come for an artificial limb to the Centre. This is an ongoing project.